Inspiring Quote

"Life is a dance, from one stage to the next"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Practice Balancing- It helps with many activities in life!

It is a proven fact that as people get older their ability to balance gets worse. The main reason for this is because as people get older they stop doing activities that require them to balance. Most people say that they took dance classes when they were younger and then after a few years stopped. Dancing requires a lot of balancing techniques like switching from one foot to the other, posing, moving your arms and upper body, dancing with a partner, and much more. When was the last time you danced or did movements like this? Here are some some movements that you can do without going to a dance class or taking lessons...

  • Find an open space where you can move
  • Put on some upbeat music you enjoy
  • Practice lifting up one foot and then the other (a few inches off the ground)
  • Do this again and straighten your leg to the front and back
  • Now try to add arms and move them in the same motion as your leg

This is a simple activity, but if done often (maybe a few times a week) you will be amazed at how much better your balance is. For more advanced balancing movements you can do activities like yoga and pilates. But start NOW because balance can help prevent Multiple Sclerosis, improves joint and muscle flexibility, builds core strength, reduces stress and more. Remember that one in three people over the age of 65 will experience a fall. Lets not be one of these people and start practicing our balancing abilities early.

Check these website out for more facts and info on the benefits of balancing...





Kate said...

Interesting blog. Many people don't know how much balancing can improve your health. I personally have god awful balance which isn't exactly good because it could help prevent injuries with running. I know when people on our team sprain and ankle or things like that there rehab in the training room often has balancing exercises. Unfortunately I can't dance to save my life but I believe when you say it helps balance.

Keyle Rece said...

it have very essential Dancing requires a lot of balancing techniques like switching from one foot to the other. thanks for bring that article.

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